Welcome to

Cockton Hill Junior School

  1. Parents
  2. School Clubs

School Clubs

Breakfast Club

All children are welcome to come to Breakfast Club each morning from 8.00am to 8.30am. This is free of charge and does not require prior booking – just turn up! The Club will offer cereal, toast, pastries, fruit and juice for breakfast. Our Breakfast Club is supported by The Greggs Foundation as well as local businesses who donate to us to reduce food waste. 

Access to breakfast club is via the main reception only. Breakfast Club is held in the main hall for all children. There are lots of fun activities to take part in. Children can play table tennis, enjoy games and puzzles or sit and chat with the other children or teachers and have a gentle start to the day.

At 8:40 am children will move to their classroom to prepare to begin teaching. Usual school rules will apply and as a school we reserve the right to exclude pupils from clubs if rules are not adhered to.


After School Clubs

Cockton Hill Junior School provides a range of after school activities led by staff from across school. These change on a half termly basis across the school year. All clubs are from 3:15pm till 4:15pm with a limit on numbers depending on the activity. A small charge may be made if outside providers are involved. Information and details of up upcoming school clubs will be sent via email prior to the club start date. Parents and carers will then be required to contact the school office to book a place in the school club.

If you require your child to be collected after school there are private independent providers within the local community who you can contact directly.



Term 1a

Hockey (Monday)

OPAL Stay and Play (Wednesday)

Tag Rugby (Wednesday)

Gymnastics (Thursday)