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  3. Maths

Curriculum – Maths

“Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.” Shakuntala Devi – Indian female writer known as the human-computer.

What is Maths?

Maths is the learning of numbers, amounts, shape and measure, and how they are related to each other and to the real world.


Maths at Cockton Hill Junior School:

Maths at CHJS focuses on the fundamental skills of fluency (recalling facts), reasoning (applying logical and critical thinking, explaining) and problem-solving (intellectual challenges to enhance understanding). It is a creative, curious and interconnected subject which provides many opportunities to reason and explain. It provides a foundation for understanding the world and is essential to everyday life. Within the everyday teaching of Maths lessons, we aim for all children to become confident mathematicians achieved through the use of a range of resources and practical equipment to present Maths in many different contexts.

Maths is taught daily and is structured in block teaching where each of the learning strands (for example, addition) is a sequenced journey of maths lessons. Small steps in learning ensure children have time to deepen their understanding and can articulate this. Stranded blocks are progressive, allowing the children to develop an ability to use their knowledge of mathematical concepts and ideas to a greater depth of understanding and complexity.


Structure of Maths learning:

  • 5 daily lessons of Maths including 'flashback' tasks that continuously recap and revisit our previous learning.
  • Times table sessions: A focus on multiplication tables. We complete 3 x 15 minutes sessions per week focused on learning times tables in a variety of ways. 
  • Flashback Arithmetic: 2 x 15 minute sessions per week. This helps us calculate questions at speed which focus on using the four operations. The four operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.